ShadowBlood the RPG
Blessings - Parts 1-3
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Yes, there is explicit sex in this Fic. It happens in part 3, so if you don't like that kind of stuff, you know what to skip.

As for ye others, I hope I described vampire sexuality well enough :-) . In ShadowBlood, their biology is different from humans, so their response times and reactions are different.

This fic is very long. It was measured at 14 pages in my word processing program, but I tried to make the story plausable. I hope it turned out ok. :-)

Now, onto the show!

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Blessings - Part 1 (D is ill)

Blessings - Part 2 (D succumbs to his instincts)

Blessings - Part 3 (D gets laid!)

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Where Vampires Rule and Humans and Mutants Resist