ShadowBlood the RPG
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Last Updated: November 6th, 2004

BRAVENET CHATROOM: I added it a few days ago! This is where games will take place.

ADDED: Several sections added to 'species biology''. Sas gets all that credit! She developed the Dark Horse and Sidhe write ups. Thanks, Sas!

PENDING: Write up on Dragon Biology. It should appear shortly!

CHARACTERS: Sas has a new char named Chloe :-D. I can't wait to see her in the game!

MUSIC: Loreena Mckennit's Samhain Night from Parallel Dreams (EXCELLENT Album!!)

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The universe of ShadowBlood is an alternate Vampire Hunter D universe. Most of the ideas and characters are based off of that universe, but because this is My Game **laughs evilly**, I have decided to screw around with the biology, Society, philosophies, religious beliefs and peoples of this world. I have used various sources as references for ShadowBlood, including Vampire Hunter D (what little I know of the Novels and Anime), Vampire: The Masquerade by Whitewolf games, Blade (the movies), The SERRAted Edge books by Mercedes Lackey (No Vampires, but LOTS of elves!!), and the book that brought the Romanian Vampire folklore into mainstream culture: Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

ShadowBlood is a game based in an alternate Vampire Hunter D universe. The similarities between this alternate Earth - ShadowBlood - and that of the original VHD Universe - the OTHER- are numerous, as are the differences. Mutants, Vampires and humans are everywhere. Vampires are sometimes hunted for numerous reasons, as are other creatures, such as Mutants. Magic exists in this universe under various names and styles, but the power comes from two distinct sources: Naturally occurring and the power of Dracula. The world is very dark in some areas due to some species moving in and kicking everyone out. Kinda like the Mafia moving into an old house and chasing away other criminals.

Vampires have ruled over humans (though not as widespread as the original VHD universe) and have made it to space. They have set up colonies on other planets and have an official space station circling Earth. Vampires are superb scientists and have learned to synthesize blood so drinking ‘straight from the source’ isn’t needed, or in many cases, wanted. Dracula is considered a God and is Known as the ‘Sacred Ancestor’. However, unlike the original VHD universe, ShadowBlood‘s Vampires have always existed along side humans and they often get along. Most Vampires are decent folks, though much darker, easier to anger and more emotional than their human counter parts. Same thing with the mutants. There was no nuclear explosion in this world that buggered up everything. That doesn’t mean that things are all fluffy and light here. Many creatures in ShadowBlood have come from alternate universes, including the original VHD universe, to escape persecution or unwanted attention. They arrive in ShadowBlood either by accident (naturally occurring dimensional doorways are quite common and people just meander right through), or due to persecution. They could be considered criminals in their own world either for being ‘different’ or because they really ARE deadly serial killers with a pricey bounty on their head. D, in this universe, is a Bounty Hunter in practice, but he specializes in hunting down rogue Vampires and Mutants.

If you'd like to play in ShadowBlood, there's three things you must do:

1) Create a character. I have a sample character and character template on the 'CHARACTER TEMPLTE AND OTHER USEFUL STUFF' page.

2) Submit it to me via email or give me a brief description in the comment box below. I will need to aprove or disapprove of the char according to game plans, etc. There are some creatures I will not allow, such as the Daemons and overly evil evil evil characters. I don't mind chars that will screw everyone over, but because I am GOD of this universe **snickers**, I am the one in charge of the truely evil beasties!!

3)Leave your email with me so I can contact you. That's what the handy dandy comment box below is for **winks**


This is the Mcfarlane's PolyResin sculpture of D. I have the site where they exhibit this delicious piece of art **drool drool** in the links section, under VHD.

Name or Nick
Email address:
Comment or Character Idea:

Where Vampires Rule and Humans and Mutants Resist