Game Situation intro HTML
Although ShadowBloods Earth is a peaceful place, trouble has been slowly brewing
and a new, less pleasant era is at the dawn of creation. This threatens to corrupt the work Dracula has fought so hard to
maintain. Every world he has created has fallen into chaos and he is saddened that yet another of his creations are heading
down that path. With the strengthening presence of the Daemons looming in the near distance and the overwhelming threat of
rebellion among non vampires, Dracula feels compelled to create a solution to the problems.
ShadowBlood is a mix of creatures and cultures, with Vampires coming to power and Humans and Mutants not liking this fact
very much. Its not that the Vampires are bad rulers. Theyre very powerful and their powers have made some of the
other creatures jealous. Many falsely accuse them of being Draculas favored race. Mutants feel they should get a share
of the pie because theyre just as powerful as the Vampires. Human have their own grievances. Humans, although not as
powerful magickally have greater logic and technological know-how than either Mutants or Vampires. They feel gypped in the
whole Power Over the Masses thing. Despite humans being hired to help Vampires rule over their minions, humans still feel
that they are being held back. Rebellions have been rising and in some areas, such as Asia, Vampires are actively hunted and
driven out of power. If they are not imprisoned, they are outright killed (NLs Note: Think of the Czars of Russia and
what happened to them in the early 1900s).
The presence of truly evil beings called Daemons has been creeping over the land. No one knows who they are, WHAT they are
or exactly what they want. There is one thing that is sure about them: Where they go, nothing survives. The hate everything.
Compassion is unknown of and they are so powerful that they are deemed almost god-like in their power. Even Dracula has been
having problems controlling them.
Partially caused by the terror created by the Daemon presence and partially planted by a growing hope that Dracula will stop
the problems on Earth, comes the idea of a Messiah. Several ideas surround this Messiah figure and in the middle of it all
is D, Draculas son. Its thought that through him or his companions this Messiah will appear. Some say it will
be a child sired by him. Others say it will be a child he himself will train. Others say it will be a child that D helps care
for, but in spirit it will be his father. The idea had first appeared about 50 years ago and over time it has grown into a
myth of a new magnitude. D isnt sure who or what this Messiah is, but he has been told by his own father that he will
be directly involved.
D is not pleased with this news and he holds some doubt that he is a direct link to his fathers child savior
myth. He is unsure of his fathers plans for this Earth, but he knows Dracula has no intentions of watching it fall into
flame like so many other worlds shaped by his hand. Dracula is determined. Not again is the message he sends to
Oracles and Shamans. ShadowBlood will not die in flame, hatred and wasted tears.
And so the story unfolds....