Rules HTML
These rules were inspired by those created by Arwen and Crowdog66 for the
A_I_Artificial_Intelligence_RP RPG Group. Thank you girls!!
Main Characters and Universe Restrictions by the GM (aka GOD):
There is only one world in the dimensional universe exactly like ShadowBlood. There may be variations
on this theme, but this is the only ShadowBlood out there.
There is only one D native to ShadowBlood. There is only One Dracula in all the dimensions, though his
appearance differs from universe to universe. In ShadowBlood he is very much like the original VHD universes
Dracula. Hes a dead ringer for D, just dressed a bit differently, MUCH more mature in personality and without the symbiote
No one may play another players character. It is suggested that each player limit themselves to 4 characters. This helps
keep confusion down to a minimum.
Game Action:
Actions may need the ruling of dice from time to time. This is to insure randomness and is often done by the GM themselves,
or by picking a random person to do it for them. The standard 6 sided dice and a 20 sided dice may be used.
Violence is acceptable and should be limited to what is necessary according to ones character and the situation of the
Some description is preferable, but there is no need to count every bullet, every drop of blood or every twitch of a muscle
as it is torn. Please leave your and others characters some sense of dignity!
Sex is gonna happen in this universe, especially with Vampires such as Dracula going about impregnating every willing female
he can include in his breeding program. However, just as with the rule on violence, there is no need to describe
every thrust, every moan and every dirty deed. Discretion can often be the best discourse and very powerful messages can be
made simply by having partners hide behind a closed door or thick bush.
Rape is **NOT** allowed, no matter how evil the villain is. Otherwise, pretty much anything goes. Remember: MODERATION IS
THE KEY!!! If your advances on another player's character (or GM's character)make the person uncomfortable, you will be ordered
to stop.
Breaking Rules:
Rule Breakers will be warned the following way:
1) The GM will warn an individual by e-mail if there is a complaint or problem. You get a maximum of 3 warnings.
2) A fourth and final warning will be issued if it happens again.
3) If it happens a fifth time,the character is retired permanently and the player is not allowed to play for two sessions.
After that, they player may create a new character.
4) If there is a sixth offense, the player will be removed from the mailing group. If they are discovered to have created
a new name and joined again, that name will be removed from the group as well.