Chloe HTML
NAME: Chloe MacEssus PLAYER: sasangre
SPECIES: Unseighlie sidhe (though she is Unseighlie, she is NOT Slaugh)
GENDER: Female
AGE: The sidhe do not really count years- appears to be somewhere around 10 or 11 years old, but probably quite a bit
APPEARANCE: Chloe looks startlingly human. Her hair is strawberry bone, and her ears are not pointed, unlike many sidhe.
Her eyes, though, mark her for the faery courts. The first ring (closest to the pupil) is copper. The second is a dusky purple,
the last blue. Her skin is very, very fair- pale enough that some have mistaken her for a vampire! She is extremely slender-
almost skeletal. She often skips meals- a very risky process for a young sidhe!
LOCATION: Where ever Daegeus or Jack Frost happen to be. Chloe is Daegeus deceased sisters husbands new mates
child. (Daegeus siter had a kid by Yuman, then died along with baby in childbirth. Yuman re-mated, and had Chloe. Chloes
mother died giving birth to her, and Yuman wants nothing to do with her as he was actually in love with his second wife- a
rare thing among the Sidhe.) Daegeus is also her legal guardian, but had to leave her behind to give the Dark Queens
gifting to Dracula- an entire herd of dark horses. Jack Frost (Chloes fathers friend of many years) took care
of her until she turned his hair white (as it was whit eot begin with, no one really knows how he can tell). He then sloughed
Chloe off on Daegeus.
SKILLS (physical): Very little. Has high nutritional requirements like all young sidhe. Can suffer if she isnt continuously
munching on something- thus her almost emaciation.
POWERS (abilities/powers,magickal, etc.): Will not appear until puberty- Im sure everyone will be surprised! (Bua
ha ha ha) She is EXTREMELY good with all animals. Wild things often seek her out when she is not in a city (which she is usually
not- city life is not kind to the sidhe- too much metal). She once gave Jack Frost a heart attack (so he says) when he went
to find his charge- to find her chatting with a grizzly. Has some basic glamour, but nothing real powerful- yet.
KNOWLEDGE: Seems to know more than what she should. No ten/twelve year old should know how soil is formed, or all about
the nitrogen cycle in nature, for an example. She often offers bits of obscure knowledge that no one has any clue as to how
she got it.
WEAPONS: None. Well, her dark horse, Ouma (read as: nanny) will kill for her, and Daegeus hellhound Luathe will
as well.
POSSESSIONS: A dark horse named Ouma, a locket given to her by Jack Frost- a silver gold iris where you can open
the petals with a picture of himself and Daegeus inside. The two men will share anything they have with her.
MAIN SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION: Ouma, Jack Frost and Daegeus. Other than that, her own feet.
POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES: Kind, gentle and a stout friend, she tries her best to please everyone. She seeks approval because
she was basically abandoned by her father after her mother died- which is a really rare occurrence, considering how rare live
births are.
NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES: Painfully shy and unsure of herself. She has been told shes useless one too many times by her
father. She almost believes it, even though her uncles repeatedly try to dissuade her. She is EXTREMELY protective
of her charges (those animals who come to her for help) and her uncles. She WILL NOT allow anyone to hurt them- and her idea
of hurt can be vague. She does have slightly violent tendencies as she is Unseighlie.
OBJECTIVES IN LIFE: To marry Jack Frost! Jack Frost, of course, has no idea this is her aim.
QUIRKS AND SPECIAL TRAITS: Chews on her right hands first fingers knuckle when nervous. Is constantly trying
to turn Daegeus and Jack Frost into upstanding citizens- but so far her attempts have been in vain. She drags
them all over, shopping for dresses and books and toys. She has no other friend but those two grown men. Still, she does not
recognize the lack, and considers herself very lucky.