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Dark Horses (created by sasangre)

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Dark Horses

Alternative Names: Hellhorse, Faery mount, Fey horse, horse of the hills etc

General Information: 

- appear basically as horses do, but much larger than average (Think Shire Horse)

- Like the shire, the darkhorses have heavy feathering on their feet.  Thick, long tails and manes. 

- Only a few colours available:

Black Mirror: Black with white sheen, no under colour at all. Also known as pewter. Very rare and prized.

Black-red- Black with red sheen

Black-orange-red- Black with burnt orange sheen. Very rare and valuable.

Black with green sheen

Black with blue sheen

Black-violet- Black with violet sheen

White Mirror: White with black sheen, no under colour at all. Also known as silver. Very rare and prized.

White with green sheen, also called Death’s Horses, very rare and valuable

White-blue- White with blue sheen

White with violet sheen

- the Dark Horses are not simply horses.  They are as intelligent as any person, and are not afraid to show it.  They are deadly fighters, and are actually omnivorous- they eat both plants AND animals.

- only ever bow to one true master.  THey are extremely loyal, and their faith once given is never revoked (only once has a dark horse broken faith with his or her master- and she ended up running off a cliff in sorrow)

- Have magik powers themselves  -they can blend into any bit of shadow or moon light, taking their riders withthem.  THey can talk mind-to-mind, though they do not like to (says humans are not 'furry' enough to talk to comfortably).  They can run forever- no one has ever tired out a dark horse. 

- They have a few weaknesses, though.  Like their comrades (sidhe) they are extremely reactive ot cold iron.  It is very, very dnagerous to have a dark horse around bared cold iron.  Their magiks to not blemnd well with metals!  If you suceed in killing thier masters, they will often comit suicide rather than live withthe sorrow and shame.  They NEVER give their hearts twice.

- Never break your word to a dark horse.  They do not take it well- much like the sidhe.

- It is said that way back, the dark horses sprung from a unholy union betweena  shape-shifting sidhe and a moonhorse (one of Dana's- the sidhe's God- mythical steeds) but no one knows for sure.

- Dark horses have very extended lifespans- often more than even or eight centuries.

Reproduction:  Like any horse's.  Their birth rates are higher than the sidhe, but not as high as a normal horse.  CAN have one foal every decade, but ti is rare for  amare to have more than two or three.  MAres only cone into season every decade or so.  Birth is hard for the mares- it is often breech and they need a "two-legger" around to help.  It's good to have thumbs!

Vampiric Turning: Never tried.  In theory it should work, as they seem to be distantly related to both elves and sidhe, but since the results with sidhe are so varied, no  one seems willing to try- which may be for the best.  No one wants  a 1400 pound four-legged, fanged vampiric horse lusting after their blood!


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