Forever turned part 1
(NB: Ive not been able to get much information on Meier Link despite several requests on the Vampire Hunter D mailing
groups. What little I know about him comes from Bloodlust, so I figured it was safe to do a bit of imagining. Alas, from the
VHD community in Livejournal, its been said that Meier was always a vampire and he was well respected among humans because
he was known to never take a human life. Im using Artistic license for my game. In the ShadowBlood Universe, Meier was
Human but was Turned when he was very young and raised by vampire parents. This story explains how it happened.
Please note that in the Original VHD universe, Dracula looks just like his son, D, but without the Symbiote. I have not wavered
from this visualization of the Vampire God.)
Forever Turned
Count Regis leaned against the corner of the Head House, his clay red eyes glistening in the rays of the late evening sun.
He watched with silent curiosity as the former Masters son played with his young hound. The humans mind seeped
of morbid loneliness despite his affection for the long legged Borzi.
Poor child, the Count thought. He stood to straighten his jerkin before leaning against the buildings white stoned
wall again. Left behind by his own parents. No playmates to speak of. Not even the servant children will
invite him in their rounds to pick berries. Such a pity. The young child has a kind heart.
The thought of it concerned the older Vampire. He had remembered his childhood and he understood the importance of playmates,
even though he had never been human himself. Six months ago the former Masters family fled from political pressure from
the surrounding communities. Their fleeing was abrupt. They feared persecution by the mutant inhabitants and there were wicked
rumors of a retaliation brewing. To keep the peace, Count Regis had taken over the Links residence, but he had unknowingly
been given the Masters two children. The former Master had pleaded to Regis to protect the older girl, a teen of 13
and a young boy of eleven. Regis, surprised, had accepted the responsibility. Being an Empath, he had reluctantly fallen under
the Masters desperate pleas and now Regis watched as the young Link boy quietly tossed a knotted toy for the dog to
You miss your sister. Regis said and he approached the child with his arms crossed his chest. The boy whirled
at the sound of the Vampire Counts voice and Regis sighed sadly when he caught a trace of fear in the childs eyes.
I wish I could have done something to help you. the Vampire continued. You know your parents would have
taken you if they had the chance.
The boy turned his back to the Count and stared at the toy the Borzi eagerly chewed. It tried to get the boy to throw it again.
Why am I still here? the boy said. His face was in a deep frown, though he tried to hide it from the Count.
Your parents may have been killed had they stayed here. They knew you and your sister would have been safe with me.
The childs angry eyes looked up at the Count and despite the fury in them, it betrayed his true feelings. There was
sadness there and a deep sense of abandonment.
Regis crouched beside the child and lay his arms on his knees. His long, dark, red-clay dreads were brushed by the gentle
breeze that greeted the evening air. He thought deeply for a moment before he spoke. The young human had enough problems of
his own and Regis didnt want to broadcast his concerns to the unshielded child.
There was no space for you. The Count said carefully. You understand that where they went they could not
bring you. They had to fight to bring your sister into the city.
The Count gave the boy a delicate look and he raised his eyebrow when the child didnt respond.
You would prefer things they way they were. he said softly.
The young boy nodded his head. He sniffed and wiped his nose with his sleeve and ignored the Count when he offered him a white
satin hankercheif. He took it delicately when the Count persisted.
It doesnt help that theres no one you know to play with. the Count continued.
The child nodded silently. The Count lowered himself into the grass and ignored the tendrils of hair that blew into his face
as he did so. The growing depression he sensed from the child was ever present and despite numerous attempts to cheer the
youngster up, the emotion persisted. He had been happier when his sibling had been around to grant him a stern lecture or
a forgiving hug, but now...
Sigh. The poor, poor child.
The two sat in silence for several moments. The Count wondered delicately if he should start up another conversation.
A moment later, Regis dug through his sea green jerkin pocket and pulled out a metal link. He showed it to the young boy who
eyed it suspiciously.
Do you know what this is? the Count asked. He smiled when the child shook his head no. Its a joint
from a specialized type of weapon. Your father gave it to me should I find a way that you can use it. As he spoke, the
Count layered it on his right hands middle finger and concentrated. Immediately his hand was covered in a bone-like
armor. It was as if the armor sprung out of nothingness and wound its way around the Counts hand.
Its a weapon that a very select few know how to use. I can use it because I have the gift that triggers its appearance.
He concentrated again and the bone disappeared, leaving nothing on the Vampires hand. He showed the awe struck child
his fingers and the boy curiously ran his fingertips where the bone gauntlet had stood before. He lightly ran his finger tips
over the vampires long, grey nails, wonderment on his young face.
How did you.. the child began.
Vampires have many abilities. Gifts, if you would like. The Vampire concentrated again and the link appeared under
the childs probing fingers. Im sure your father explained that to you. He pulled the link off his
finger and let the child handle the object. It was light but heavy and it hummed of a life of its own. The Count smiled at
the childs curiosity. My father raised your great grandparents and this weapon was given to your grandfather.
It was hoped that someday, someone in your family would inherit the gift to operate it.
The young boy looked up at the Count, eager.
Would I be able to work it?
The Count scowled.
I dont know. He said, being both honest and hopeful. He smiled brightly when the child looked disappointed.
Here. he said, taking the link from the human boy and placing it on the boys right middle finger. Concentrate
on it. Try to make it appear with your thoughts.
Regis almost burst out laughing when the child concentrated so hard that his face turned red. Despite the effort, the link
did not budge. It didnt even flicker.
I cant do it! the boy exclaimed angerly. He was frustrated with himself. The Count firmly grabbed the childs
hand and he stared solidly at the childs face. It caused the child to stare up into the Vampires clay red eyes with
a touch of surprise.
Try again. the Count stated. He was firm, like a stubborn teacher, but his voice was gentle. Focus. Pretend
its an old dog who has fallen and you want it to rise. It needs patience and guidance.
The child pouted but he tried a second time. Regis watched, his look critical but kind. He prompted the young boy to concentrate
three more times. It was on the third try that the Count noticed a flickering.
Forever Turned, part 2
Forever Turned, part 3
Forever Turned, part 4