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Since I know virtually nothing about the Holidays in the VHD novels, I'm going to pull some dates out of my arse.

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Harvest Brights: (August 21st). This is when the animals are brought to slaughter and the last of the harvest is cut and left to dry. It is a very relaxed celebration centered around friends, family and, especially, pets.

Vampire Moon:
This traditional Vampire Holiday happens every 100 years on the full moon closest to Halloween. Many Vampires consider it a night off from being good. Mischief abounds. Vampires create havoc this time of year and most non-vampires hang garlic to help prevent their property being ...err... ‘redecorated’. Imagine local Vampires acting like teens with a load of Toilet paper and you get an idea what Vampire Moon is like. :-)

Samhain: (October 31st or November 1st, 2nd or 3rd). Halloween. Also known as the Feast of the Dead. This is mainly a Vampiric and Human celebration where the dead are honored and new Vampires are Turned and Embraced. It is a solemn celebration with much feasting. Many Vampires allow themselves this night to break their oath of not biting and hire or ask a donor for a feeding. Dracula is said to be most powerful this time of the year as the sun’s power fades and the Night overtakes the earth. It’s said to be a particularly holy night when Vampire Moon occurs this evening and even holier when the ‘City of Distant Stars’ (the space station orbiting earth) is seen just above the rising Full Moon.

Moon Date: A Vampiric Birthday. It’s mostly for the children. Older Vampires still celebrate their Moon Dates, though Elders will forget exactly how old they are!

May Day / Beltaine: (May 1st). A holiday that Mutants and Elves demand to celebrate. Feasting! Partying! Wining! Magick! BBQs! Sex! (well..this last one is mainly for those with Vampiric decent, but you get the idea...). Marriages are common this time of year. Elves have a particular fondness for this Holiday and many practice weeks in advance for magickal display competitions.

Yule / Olde Winter / Celebrations: (Circa Dec 25th). Several Holidays happen around December 25th, but they all have the same general idea: Feasting, trying to get away from the cold and decorating either a tree (December 21st - yule - Human, Elven/Fae), stang (December 24th - Celebrations - Mutant, Human, Were, Vampire ), or the library/barn /Cemetery (December 21st-January 1st - Olde Winter - Generally only Vampires celebrate this). Electric lights, where available, light up entire communities. Contests are held to see who is most creative with their displays.

Awake-King: (April 8-12th). The name is a play on the old Vampire name for this holiday : Awakening. Spring is coming out if its slumber and flocks are birthing. The harvest is being planted. Homes are being rebuilt or refurbished. It is a time for family and friends. This is a world wide celebration, though traditions differ from country to country.

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Where Vampires Rule and Humans and Mutants Resist