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General Information:

Mutants come in all shades, sizes, abilities, shapes and flavors. The are highly eclectic, but they do have one uniting theme. They are Powerful! Whether it be magick , natural abilities such as fading into shadows, transmutation of self, teleportation, etc., they are more than able to hold their own against an angry Vampire. They all seem to have been humans or have had human ancestors in their past, but somehow the human in them BECAME and they were transformed into something different. They are essentially human in spirit, but over time, their beings have been warped by fate, natural happenings and / or magickal twisting. They are very similar to Vampires, in that they once came from the same source, but Mutants are what would have happened to Vampires if their kind had not been dominated by logic and ordered by Dracula. Not to say what Dracula did was better. Just different.

Mutants are usually thrown under the label ‘Otherkin’, though in reality, they are a category of their own. They are just too varied! They can be snake people, demon - like beings with a determined will of their own, weres (as in werewolves, were rats, were-whatevers as long as it’s part animal), and really short guys who ride unicycles (well, it was in Bloodlust :-D ).

Demons and Angels are related to Mutants, but they have severed their ties with humanity or are not human at all. Most have lived at least one life and have decided for one reason or what not to stay in their spiritual form. Some are Spirit Guides for the living. Some, like D’s Symbiote, have attached themselves physically to the a Host and live as a parasite of sorts off of a living Host. Others, such as Angels, are helpful beings who are generally benevolent and decent creatures. However, just like humans, not all Demons and Angels are what they seem!


As stated above, mutants are a very varied bunch. They have the same abilities as Vampires, just not as concentrated but just as powerful. They are more likely to have traits that human mages excel at and Vampires abhor, but don’t suffer the ill effects both creatures may endure when pressed to the extreme.

Angels and Demons can have just about every ability you can imagine, though Demons trapped in a physical form are forced to obey the physical laws of the world around them. A Physical Demon usually cannot walk through walls unless they have ancestors that were Spirit Walkers, or they are a Symbiote with another creature. Benevolent Demons are actually not ‘demons’ per say, but tend to be symbiotes and feed off of the world around them, such as Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Some may even recycle Souls, by consuming them, using their powers for a time being, then sending them back to the Source, or the creator.

Sex and Reproduction:

Again, it depends on the creature we’re talking about. Those with more human aspects will act more like humans sexually and reproductively. Birthing is the same way. Some creatures may birth like a mammal, while others, such as the Snake Peoples, may lay eggs or simply split like a cell! How a particular creature reproduces depends on a particular player’s imagination. However, there are certain rules that some species follow. Weres tend to reproduce much like their animal side would. A Were Horse may come into ‘heat’ every so many days and all were horses may compete for her attention. A were demon may need to go on a quest to either protect a master before they can mate with a chosen partner.

Half Mutants are usually just thrown into the Mutant category as the resulting offspring are so unusual that there is no doubt that they exist. Half Demons and Half Angles certainly stick out! Half Angels are often accepted by their Angelic relatives and are taught to handle their powers by them. Half Demons are usually rejected on the spot by the more ‘colorful’ Demon Parents. However, most of these Demonic parents are so loose with their sexual favors that most don’t know who sired/ mothered what, where and when! The Benevolent Demons, however, are closer to human society and eagerly help those that they can afford to help, though their ways are very unusual compared to the beings around them. That is one theory how D got his Symbiote. Not all benevolent Demons ask if their potential Hosts are willing to share the same space, as in D’s case. They usually just show up one day, as in you wake up one morning and suddenly there’s a face on your hand!

Some Demons and Angels do not reproduce at all. They simply ARE and they have no need to create offspring. Others bud. Yet others slough off versions of themselves. Some become so infatuated with their physical counterparts that they re-create a physical body and reproduce according to the creature they have fallen in love with. As with Mutants, there is a lot of variability among individuals.


Generally, Most Angels and Some Demons cannot be Turned. They are usually too powerful to fall victim to the Bite, or they are just so alien that a Vampire’s bite has no effect on them. Mutants and most otherkin are not that immune, however and on occasion one will come across a were-Vampire. The Vampire side usually wins the species’ Protein combat when Mutant or Otherkin Turns. They adopt a vampire shape (which is basically a human with red eyes, pointed ears, fangs and long nails), but have the ability to shape change into their Mutant form at will. Their specialized abilities will remain, but those that are identical to their Vampire Sire will be enhanced or override their other abilities to the point that their common abilities are the only ones left. If this last occurrence happen, the ability is intensely specialized and very very powerful!

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Where Vampires Rule and Humans and Mutants Resist