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Morpheus Twins HTML

NAME: Damian and Euclid PLAYER: W_R_W_C

SPECIES: Vampire with Dhampire ancestors


Very Young for Vampires, perhaps 150 years old


Tall, medium build, slightly pudgy around the middle but quite muscular once you get past the scrawny arms and thin legs. They look like they’re 17-18 years old and still act as if they’re 15. They are always teasing each other and are almost never seen without the other. If one is missing, you KNOW there’s something serious happening!


Um...kinda. They have some Dhampire in their ancestry, especially on their mother’s side, but they have enough Vampire to be classified as Pure Bloods.


Born in Western Canada, but being Morpheus, they don’t have a set home in the Physical Realm. Their main place of residence, however, is still with their parents. It’s more like a family living together and working as a whole for the common good of the family.

SKILLS (physical):

Their Cute Looks and Charming smiles. They can talk their way out of just about any situation and being so young, acting more like rambunctious teens despite their age, they tend to get away with more than others of the same age would.

POWERS (abilities/powers,magickal, etc.):

They are so loaded with goodies that I don’t know how I’m gonna list them all!!

Because they are Morpheus’ who have completed their training and are old enough to be considered Acknowledged (aka, former students who work on their own and can teach), their powers are quite diverse. They inherited Spirit Walking from their father, some oracular knowledge from their Mother and the ability to warp magic from an ancestor long dead. The boys are particularly proud of this last trick as only they and their sister have it. She’s stronger in the ability than they are.

The Morpheus’ standard abilities include Spirit Walking, creating physical constructs of what people dream of (NB: These are more like intelligent Golems than actual thinking, living beings, though the more gifted Morpheus’ can give them life if Dracula allows it.), and entering people’s dreams to give them messages, inspiration, comfort, or prophesy. They have the annoying habit of knowing things before they happen, though most are limited to a few minutes before the actual event (Re: the party meeting the Daemon spawned rider.). They also know in an instant if someone is a danger or if they are lying.

Most can cast magick of some kind, though this depends on their area of training, expertise and natural ability.


The future. They have vast knowledge of the Earth, where it will go and where a particular persons’ actions will lead. They are often approached by shamans for their knowledge, but they are unable to give away more than a few glimpses because to do otherwise would skew the will of creation.

On a personal level: Herbalism, basic Vampire medical knowledge (such as preventing a wound from healing too fast), Basic Vampire Politics (the Twins hate this stuff...), Religion and extensive Vampiric Prophesy. Also, Astronomy.


Nothing Physical, besides a couple of bottles of Holy Water, several small ritual daggers that they can plant to make 1) a dagger tree and 2) to thwart on coming attackers :-) and lastly, they have their wits. Everything else they have is Magical in nature.


Nothing but themselves and the clothes on their back. Euclid may carry a small framed picture or locket of his mother if he can get away with it. Other than that, he has no need to carry any of his belongings because he can hop, at will, into the spirit realm then back home to grab what he needs.


The ability to Spirit Walk and hopping in and out of the windows they open into the spirit realm.


Euclid and Damian were born and raised Vampires. Their Mother was a devoted servant of the Vampire God and their father had retired as a Morpheus some years prior to siring his three children.

Damian and Euclid were named after their father’s respected co-workers. Having been born to a Morpheus father and a well respected mother, the twins’ destinies were set almost as soon as they breathed their first breaths. They were planned to follow the family tradition of being Morpheus’, much as a child’s school is chosen well before they can walk. At the tender age of eight they wandered into their first classes as Dream Walkers and they haven’t looked back.

Damian was the hyperactive of the two. His teachers recognized this in him and when they noticed how well the pair worked as a team, they were given bigger and more complex jobs than their peers. They learned quickly and after some time they were granted presence in front of the Vampire God himself. He had recognized the twins’ hard work and offered them a place in his main host. This pleased their father immensely. The boys, being in their early teens at the time, were scared silly, but after witnessing the God’s tender heart and stern charm in action, they easily integrated themselves among the Vampire God’s servants. Here they served up until their 100th year.

By the time the twins were this age, they had grown enough in experience to break off from the host and become independent workers. This allowed them to move about as they willed, and granted them much more flexibility in what they could and could not do. They were, and still are, under Dracula’s Direct Order, but they no longer have any other Morpheus’ to bow down to in the line of duty. They work for themselves, Dracula and the people they are to seek.

They befriended Meier Link when they were still very young. They were about 70 years old when they first met him and through Meier they met Conure. They teased the pale haired Vampire relentlessly about his passion for the female Dhampire, but all in all they accepted her as willingly as she accepted everyone around her.

It was through them that Conure learned of Dracula’s interest in her. The Twins knew she was to have an impressive destiny in the Vampire God’s plans. They alone know where she came from. They know why she was born and to who, but because of their vow of secrecy to the Vampire God, they cannot tell her what she is. At least, not yet.


Playful, fun loving, determined and devoted. They love their job and you can tell.

Very good at tapping people’s dreams. They do it cleanly, eagerly (depending on their job) and they try to communicate with their contacts as politely as possible.


OBNOXIOUS! They love to play, tease and jostle each other. They may even fall to pulling the occasional practical joke, but otherwise they are obedient. However..... Dracula has fallen to nuuuumerous of their Pranks
;-). Some say the Vampire God enjoys their mischievous torment and that would explain how they woke up with blue die on their faces one evening...

Although the twins have many useful and potentially powerful gifts, knowing when a friend is going to die and how and not being able to stop it is not much fun. Also giving horrible nightmares to a toddler isn’t a great aspect of Dream Walking, but they realize it has to be done in order to teach or predict something for someone.

At the first signs of conflict they suddenly disappear. They’re not the bravest folks, but when pressured or if their friends are threatened, they will put up a good fight. They prefer using their gifts and goals for more peaceful situations. They are pacifists ideally, but when put up to a good fight they always fall short of what they should do! It’s **NOT** their fault..they’re just not that kind of person!


Quietly Obeying Dracula’s commands and flourishing under his hands. Dracula may be a harsh creator at times, but he is devoted and loving of his servants.


Peppermint candy made out of Sanguine. Nuff said! (Hey Blame it on Amber :-P )

(Nothing to say here. It will all come out in Game Play.)

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