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Amber Ira HTML

NAME: Iria Amber Kyle (AKA Amber) PLAYER: Cassa

SPECIES: Human/Mutant/Were panther
(Her mother was a Were Panther, her Father was a
human - mutant cross)

GENDER: Female

AGE: 27


Youthful in appearance, looks about 18,
at 5'2" she doesn't seem all that imposing at first glance but she is much stronger than she appears. Oval faced light golden skin tone. She has
high cheek bones, a proud jaw line. Her eyes are dual colored, the right
is silver and the left is amber golden-brown. Also of note her eyes are
missing their pupils, meaning she is blind. Her hair is white, curly, and
hangs down to her waist when left unbound from her usual braid. She is long limbed and graceful in her movements. (Like a dancer or a cat ;) ) Usually found wearing midnight blue armor with silver markings inlaid, over her
midnight blue shirt and black pants and black mid-thigh boots. On her hands
are black gloves which she removes when not riding, hunting, or repairing
weapons. Her hat is midnight blue and has a silver band around the middle.

PUREBLOOD?: Nope not hardly. :) Her mother was a
were panther, her father was a human and mutant cross. Her grandmother on her Father's side was human. She's never met her grandfather on her father's side. Her mother's parents are long dead due to hunters.

LOCATION: Originally from the Tennessee area.

SKILLS (physical):

Martial arts, weapon's smithing/repairing, playing the
flute, a fine cook when she chooses to take up the task. Can use nearly any
weapon made with deadly accuracy.

POWERS (abilities/powers,magickal, etc.):

Pyrokinetic(the ability to create and control fire), mild telepathy(can send or
hear thoughts to or from other telepathic folks, though not beyond a
five mile radius.). Shape shifting into a panther (unlike most she keeps her sense of self and can control her hunting instincts to stay away from
humans. She'll usually go after deer, rabbits, etc, in her panther form she is still blind though this doesn't seem to interfere with her hunting.).


Can create or repair most weapons, with the same skill needed to use those weapons. Is excellent at horseback riding, good at tracking/hunting rogue were beasts, mutants, or the occasional evil vampire.


Staff when up close and personal, no need for a death blow, otherwise she'll either reach for her bow and arrows or make use of her wrist mounted cross bow with it's own supply of arrows, or any number of the blades she carries for throwing. Only draws her sword as a last resort.


Her Mother's wooden flute, her father's Weapon's Smith kit, Her grandmother's tiny square rune pendant.


Cyborg Horse, ebony in color named Chaos Noir, her feet when she chooses.


Iria grew up being raised by her father and his mother. Her father was a uniquely skilled weapon's smith. Even though his daughter was born blind he taught her the art of weapon making and repairing. She picked up the skill quickly enough and soon matched him for both the quality and quantity of his
work. Iria's grandmother taught her how to cook and their neighbor Ben Zanders, a were beast and mutant hunter, was the one to teach her how to fight both with her hands and with the weapons she helped her father create.

When Iria was 16 and on a visit to town to sell the weapons she and her father made a group of rogue mutants and weres attacked her home, killing her father, grandmother and their neighbor Ben who'd tried to stop them. When Iria returned home with the money from the sale of the weapons to find the ruins of her home she screamed for her loss for a time and then started searching for clues as to who and what had taken her family and friend. She didn't find more than a few bits of fur and scales from the attackers. She took the time to bury her father and grandmother and Ben before she went through the ruins to see what she could take with her for her journey.

Her searching brought her mother's wooden flute, a stash of some of her father's best weapons and spare smithing kit. Her grandmother's tiny rune pendant Armed with these things and her staff she packed them and then took her cyborg horse's reins in hand and headed for the town once more. Though this time it was to find a hunter to help her learn more about the ones who'd taken her family away.

At 22 Iria had found the gang of mutants and were that had taken her family
from her. She decided that she would travel and help others who'd had similar loss and has been doing so ever since. The hunter that had trained her bade her well on her journey and he returned to his home since he was ready to retire from hunting. He'd heard enough rumors to know that Iria wouldn't be alone on taking out the cruel and evil from the world - at least not for very long.


A trustworthy loyal friend and hardworking when it comes to her skills on creating or repairing weapons. Tends to be quiet but on occasion will be talkative.


Can be stubborn at times though this is usually when faced with a new situation and her independence is threatened.


Helping those that need it and when time allows to just enjoy life. Her long term objective is to find a place to call home again and perhaps find love until then she'll ride were the winds take her.


Iria adores peppermint candy and when she happens across some in towns she'll happily spend a good amount of her money on it. She'll always offer to share if traveling with others. The weapons she makes are of excellent quality and very hard to destroy, partly because of the mixture of metals and stones she uses and partly because she uses her Pyrokinetic abilities to control the strength of the flames.


None that I can think of at the moment. If I do think of something I'll let you know.

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