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Vampire Beliefs / Religion:
Vampires have been around for eons. Its said that their ancestors were created by none other that the Vampire Father
Himself - Dracula. Its respected that he founded the Vampiric race, though no-ones completely sure why
or how he did it. A widely accepted suspicion that he created a breeding program out of stock taken from the OTHER (re: The
original VHD universe) and crossed these beings with vampires he created in other worlds. Dracula seems to have a hidden agenda
as to what Vampires should be. It has something to do with Vampires not needing to eat and being able to stand the sun, though
the Vampire tendency to feed on blood is an admited fault. Dracula will sometimes take females and watch them selectively
and then sire their children. He admits that he doesnt know if his all his choices are the right ones, but he is driven
to create the perfect vampire.
Its a given- Dracula is a GOD and not just some man dressed up in a vampire disguise. They say he traveled from world
to world helping others in need of rest and offered them respite in the new worlds he created. Some say that this is where
the Morpheus came from. They say that some of these beings took these paradises and twisted them into something to
suit their own desires, leaving Dracula with some confusing new worlds. ShadowBlood is believed to be his most recent Vampiric
creation and his people there have been almost perfected.
Theres great debate whether Dracula originated from the OTHER or has always existed. Some say hes always existed,
though not always as a vampire. Others claim this idea is absurd and who would claim to know Vampires better than one who
has always been one?
Cold Forging is a specialized ability in Vampires. It is usually limited to amulets, rings and small personable things that
can record ones essence before being given to a loved one as a keep sake. However, the old tradition of Magickal sword
smiting goes on behind closed doors as Cold Forgers prepare to protect a Garment of Atonement for a mysterious
being entering Vampire society. Everyone suspects this being will be the modern Vampire Jesus Figure who will
lay a path of enlightenment for future Vampires. He or She will not be a God like its spiritual father (Dracula), but
will have his own views on the world and how it should run. There are suspicions that Dracula will return as this beings
next baby. No -one is sure why anyone wants to do this. Some say Dracula is bored with his older body and wants to start fresh
in a new one, yet retain his view of the universe with a babys eyes. Some say he will retain his old powers, yet others
say he will develop new ones that will add more variety to the Vampiric genetic line. No-one is certain what his plans are
for this baby. Rumors are that it will be a girl he fathered himself, or will be the offspring of his son, D.
D doesnt consider himself anything special, with the exception of being the decedent of the greatest Grand Daddy of
Vampires. He rarely, if ever, lets this information get to his head! Lately, hes been hanging around some of his fathers
head-honcho friends, including the unusual Morpheus, and others of various caliber.
Morpheus is the name of a Vampiric class. They are thought to be the recorders and interpreters of dreams for all of
creation, especially the Vampires. No-one is sure who they are, as they have nothing that makes them stand out in the mortal
/ physical world. Morpheus is the religious title of anyone who accepts this duty of destiny. The Morpheus are often depicted
as young Vampire or Dhampire males who initiate a victim into whatever religious clan they are destined to follow. Sometimes
an individual Morpheus follows after an initiate night after night, only to denied their training. However, the Morpheus never
completely negates the dreamers wishes and they will teach the dreamer what they need to know before their next incarnation,
if Dracula doesnt do it for them.
The role of Morpheus is usually held by a Vampire, Dhampire or Angel who once was a Vampire. The role is demanding but rewarding
as Dracula offers some very pleasing benefits that most initiates cannot refuse. However, it is not a title that can be takes
lightly. Constantly bombarding a loved one with horrendous nightmares can take a toll on even the most iron willed Morpheus
and lead some to forfeit their special abilities that aid them in their task.
These abilities are very much like shadow and spirit walking abilities, only a Morpheus can slip into an individuals
dreams and even physically construct the creatures that are created by the dreamer. All Morpheus attain the ability to know
the future several minutes before the event happens. They know immediately if someone is lying, or telling half truths. They
have developed the annoying reputation for being know-it-alls, but overall, the Morpheus are pleasnt, if not playful creatures.
Dracula is in complete control over everything the are capable of doing, though no-one fully understands why Dracula allows
the things he does.
Attitudes towards Vampires and Vampire Attitudes:
It is acknowledged that ShadowBlood Vampires have succeeded greatly. In other worlds they are hated for being different and
burned, hunted in inquisition-like hunting parties in attempts to slaughter them, or outright exterminated. Meanwhile, they
prosper harmoniously in ShadowBlood with other creatures. However, not everything is candy and chocolate in ShadowBlood. Retaliation
has brewed as the Vampires come to dominate their world. Vampires themselves dont push anyone out. They happen to be
superior to their counterparts - including the mutants- in body, mind and in most cases, supernatural abilities. Not everyone
takes kindly to this fact. Some Vampires have been forced to take heavy handed approaches to protect themselves, family and
possessions. Most retaliation is from humans and mutants. They feel gipped, as humans have to rely on their brains rather
than physical aptitude and specialized power, while the mutants feel they are just as powerful as the Vampires and they should
get a share of Vampire political influence. Most vampires dont see what the problem is. They appear almost naive about
the situation. The truth is, many vampires are turning a blind eye to the retaliations, while plotting a scheme to win the
conflict peacefully if one breaks out. They dont see themselves as causing any great problems. Others claim their followers/
friends should be happy that theyre being taken care of as well as they are. If it had been any other universe, the
humans would have been abused in every way imaginable!
Widespread attitudes towards Vampires about other Vampires is as varied as there are people. Most Vampires want to get along
with everyone while being able to feed as their nature dictates. Some can be snobbish towards those against feeding
from the source. Some say as long as the victim is willing (re: donors), they should be willing to feed as they like.
Some Vampire nobles' pay a handsome price to be able to feed from living creatures. Most do this to avoid blood pills. Some
individuals abhor the taste of artificial blood, no matter how good the flavor. Others dont understand why one cant
live solely off of Sanguine and Blood Pills. Its the same circular argument that humans have with vegans and those that
choose to eat animals and their products. Many Vampires eyes roll into their head as if brain dead when the donors/
no donors subject is mentioned!
Social Structure and Society:
Vampires are rising to power and fast. Theyre really good at they do. Theyre more emotional than humans and mutants
and that prevents them from being truly superior in everything they do. Vampires have taken to hiring humans and mutants as
political advisors in order to help them make the best logical decisions possible. Vampires are naturally attuned to what
people think, so if mutiny is brewing, Vampires pick up on that right away. However, their logic can be muddled by emotions
and intuition. They are ruled by them more than any other creature in ShadowBlood.
Vampires are numerically the dominant species in ShadowBlood. About 68 to 70 % of the population is Vampire.
Humans come second at 43 - 44 %. Everyone else makes up the difference and includes weres and other mutants, as well as demons.
At the bottom of this list are the elves at about 1%. They usually disguise themselves as humans or mutants as they are not
a well understood section of society. If they attempted to pass as a Vampire, theyd be caught immediately. There are
some doubts if elves even exist in this world, but those that have been kind enough to meet them and treat them gently, have
been well rewarded with elven friendship. Elves are friends NOT to be taken lightly. They may not be as powerful as the Vampire
God himself, but they have their own special quirks and flaws that make them distinguished and important factors in maintaining
peace in ShadowBlood.