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This section is sooo incomplete that it's not even funny. However I gave you a sample so you know what to expect :-)

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The head enchilada. God. The founder of ShadowBlood and the Vampires who populate it. He is not evil, per say, but is a determined lover with a passion to carry on the Vampiric genetic line as long as possible without it weakening. He will selectively father children with women of child bearing age and Vampires with the same virtues he possesses and selectively cull those he deems unfit to carry on the vampiric line. No-one is sure how he does this, but it seems crueler than it really appears. All his children are asked if they wish to continue the Vampiric race in the spirit realm. If not, they are allowed to remain among his physical followers, but with a stern warning of what they missed in the After realm. D was lucky (or unlucky?) enough to detect his father’s frantic attempts to recover Vampiric genetic diversity.

Dracula has always existed. No one actually knows what his exact age IS, but he’s certainly younger in appearance than his age belies. He is impossibly old, even to most vampires, with the exception of a selected few such as the Morpheus, Most Elder Angels and their selected lovers.


(NB: Some of this can be found in the glossary)

Morpheus are the most well known ‘Vampires besides Dracula. Also known as the ‘Keepers of Sleep’, Dream Walkers or Dream Seekers, they are said to live forever in a specially prepared place that Dracula set aside for all his servants. Morpheus is a title granted to a select few who are willing to enter the dreams of Vampires and their followers in attempts to gain truth or wisdom in spiritual matters. Every 2000 years there is a new trainee selected, often after hundreds of years observation. In the case of the Present Morpheus’, they harassed their teachers until they were told they’d already been granted consideration. Oh! What a Joy for young Vampire Spirit Walking students!!!

Bearers of this name often work hand in hand with Followers of Dracula. They are free to harass the sleep of potential followers, future Morpheus’, and offspring of the Vampire peoples. Young, old, babes, aliens, atheists, devout Strigoi, it’s all the same to the Morpheus. They are free to go where they please and do as they want. They are always granted special powers by Dracula, and maintain them until their dying breath, or until the Ancient Ancestor deems them usable in another lifetime. In which case, they are stripped of their life as it were a cloak, and they attain serventhood in the ranks of Dracula’s spiritual host. Most do not attain this cloak until they are very old (almost as old as Dracula himself!), although it remains an eagerly anticipated goal to hope towards. The Only Morpheus’ who lived to see this last stage of serventhood were the original Morpheus’, Catacomb and a decedent of her servant-in-arms, Whriplee. (Bad joke comes to mind..Whriplees Believe it or Not?? HA HA!! :-| )

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Where Vampires Rule and Humans and Mutants Resist